Eurabia is still a fantasy - this is reality.
A few days after a terrorist attack in Oslo by a far-right extremist, American ex-pat in Norway and critic of Islam in Europe Bruce Bawer posts this gem:
Not only has it lost almost one hundred people, including dozens of young people, in a senseless rampage of violence. But I fear that legitimate criticism of Islam, which remains a very real threat to freedom in Norway and the West, has been profoundly discredited, in the eyes of many Norwegians, by association with this murderous lunatic.
He spends most of the first half of his post on the dangers of Islamism. I don't think most Norwegians share his preoccupation at the moment.
I don't necessarily care about timing. I disagree with Bruce’s hostile, paranoid attitude about Muslim immigration to Europe, and his solution to dump them by the planeload somewhere else, but it wouldn't matter if it was a realistic description and solution to a problem.
Instead, in light of the bombing and shooting, we have to compare the threat of Islam versus the threat of weirdos who overreact to Islam. Now that it's time to worry about both, we can safely put Bruce in the latter.
Sorry, Bruce owns this one. He can’t write polemics that make his subject sound like a life-and-death struggle and then walk away when it’s convenient. He can’t write books with names like “Surrender” that treat entire populations like marauding armies and talk sweet reason after someone who takes his argument too literally starts shooting people like they were game. He needs to cut the Gates of Vienna crap and join reality.
Domestically, the center-left types whose minds Bawer supposedly wants to convince aren't going to change their minds after the massacre. He sort of pretends to write to them, while depending on the easy contempt of strongly anti-European rightists in America for readership.
If you seethe with contempt about Norwegians, portray them as stupid sheep up for the slaughter by bearded fanatic, and then compare that with the obscenity that occurred on Friday, yeah, the whole vision of EUarbia looks a little stupid.
He could have written more balanced articles that looked at immigrations, looking at the dynamic benefits of immigration versus the cultural alienation of second-generations Muslims that led some toward extremism.
He and his ilk could treat immigrants like people instead of Nazis in a video game, but that doesn’t move books, sell magazines, or attract eyeballs. Easier to sell bogeymen to people who want something to rage against. The reality of Muslim immigration in Europe is a far more interesting, confusing, painful thing to own up, and its far muddier than our would-be crusaders would want to consider.
The bodies aren’t even buried and his main concern is about how the massacre makes his precious worldview look bad.
Labels: Bawer, islam, Norway, politics makes you stupid